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57 Baptisms and Counting!! God Is On the Move!

Dr. Jeff Hessinger

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you,

in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

Stay faithful to gospel, always sow gospel seed into lives, always encourage, and always remember you are God’s representative to love all others. There is no better way to love someone than to share the Good News with them. I have the pleasure of being the Chaplain for the Conrad Academy in Orlando, Florida. It means I get to shepherd the student body of about 450 students plus the faculty and all the families each individual represents. It’s an awesome ministry that puts our administration and faculty in a daily fight against the devil and the kingdom of darkness each day. The good news is the victory is ours in Christ and we don’t use earthly weapons in the battle for the souls of young men and women. The weapons we use in daily spiritual battles are “are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds...”

Students are giving their lives to Christ! Many who know Christ are strengthening their walk with God. Most of our students at the school come to us not because we are a Christian school but because we have a strong reputation of working with families who have kids with learning difficulties, behavior challenges, or have had problems in the public school and need the attention and ministry that we offer. In other words, most of our students are from homes that have no or little spiritual background and have no or little church relationship.

The Conrad Academy is the place where students get an education, and get loved on by an incredible faculty and administration! We are also the most significant spiritual connection for the student body. The large majority of the students don’t have a church home or a youth group they are a part of. We are it. This year, unlike any other year, I believe we have been able to create an environment in the school for students to experience God unlike at other times. We take our education and ministry very seriously and God is honoring our efforts.

So when students come to Christ, we celebrate!!! On March 13th we are having a Student Baptism Celebration. Presently, 57 students are committed to being baptized!! We couldn’t be more excited about the victories being won and the obedience of students following Jesus.

These are seeds of truth, love and the gospel coming to fruition! Students are choosing Jesus and the ways of Jesus. They are turning from sin, repenting, and calling on the name of Jesus!

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©2024 by Dr. Jeffrey Hessinger

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